Solar Rooftop System


Can a Solar Rooftop really help you save on electricity costs?

Nowadays, solar rooftops are receiving more and more attention. Due to the trend of environmental conservation, people turn to clean energy or green energy. And with the advancement of technology, Solar Rooftops are becoming more affordable.

Companies will start using solar energy in their own production. Tech brands to launch solar-powered devices and other products that supports solar energy technology

The Solar Rooftop system will change direct current electricity (Direct Current) into alternating current electricity (Alternate Current) by a power converter or Inverter that will connect to the electrical distribution system of the Metropolitan Electricity Authority. or Provincial Electricity Authority The solar energy from Solar Rooftop can be sold or used in place of electricity.

What are the advantages of Solar Rooftop?

Complete with everything about green industry. To support every industry to grow sustainably and environmentally friendly

Solar Rooftop System
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