Better Code Co., Ltd.

Booth no. : II4

Better Code Co., Ltd. is an exclusive distributor of Fastjet brand production date printers in Thailand. We provide sales and rental services for printers with production dates, expiration dates, barcodes, QR codes, GS1, and others, meeting the needs of industrial plants, food, medicine, drinking water, cosmetics, pipe industries, from SMEs to large businesses. “If interested in a production date printer, think of a better code.”


Model : F540 / F560​

– Sale and rental of production date printers ​
Expiration date, barcode, QR code, GS1, etc. ​
Meet the needs of industrial factories, from SMEs to large businesses​​
Specifications of the F540/F560 production date printer​
– Maximum speed 320 m/min ​
– Supports 1-5 lines for printing text​
– Can print text, QR Code, Barcode, GS1, etc. ​
– Supports external system connections​
– Low Maintenance ​
– 2-year warranty ​

Laser printer, production date, brand FASTJET​
Model : F7000 / F8000 Series.​

– Sell and rent production date printers
Expiry date, barcode, QR code, GS1, etc.
Answering the needs of industrial plants from SMEs to large businesses.
Specifications of production date printer F7000 / F8000 series.​
– Maximum speed of 9000 millimeters/second*​
– Can print text, QR Code, Barcode, GS1 and others.
– Supports connecting to external systems
– Less Maintenance ​
– 2 year warranty

Thermal printer, production date, FASTJET brand

Model: F35X1 / F35X5 Series.
– Sell and rent production date printers
Expiration date, barcode, QR code, GS1, etc.
Meet the needs of industrial factories, from SMEs to large businesses
Specifications of the F35X1 / F35X5 series production date printer.
– Maximum speed 152 m / min
– Can print text, QR Code, Barcode, GS1, etc.
– Supports external system connections
– Less Maintenance
– 2-year warranty


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