About the Show

Automated Machinery & Robotics, Packaging Machinery, Solar Cell, Warehouse & Logistics Exhibition

Automation Technology Exhibition packaging machinery The 24nd integrated storage and logistics system for the year 2025. Opportunities that come with new changes. Find the right technology Business ideas like UPDATE knowledge from the best gurus in various fields. The only event that explodes industrial ideas for you to complete the supply chain. Join to update all types of manufacturing industry trends. technology Innovation in automated warehouse management and integrated logistics technology ready to receive advice from consultants from both the public and private sectors

TIF & Warehouse & Logistics Asia

Automated Machinery, Packaging Machinery, Solar Cell, Warehouse & Logistics Exhibition

Dates & Time : 4 -7 Feb 2026, 10:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m.

Estimated Count : 20000 Visitors, 200 Exhibitors

Relevant Industry : Automated Machinery & Robotics, Packaging Machinery, Warehouse & Logistics

Visitor Entry : Free admission, Available for Online Registration and Walk in

Highlights :

Exhibitor Profile :


Automation Systems

Industrial Supplies

Logistics Packaging

Warehouse Infrastructure

Material Handling & Storage Technology

Renewable Energy

Digital Industry

Garage & Equipment

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Thailand industrial Fair


The famous event for Industrial Machinery, Equipment Tools, Packaging Machinery, Material Handling, Industrial Supplies, Warehousing and Logistics


Prepare to meet the latest production technology champions from entrepreneurs. Leading to experience the performance of the ultimate Machinery for food-beverage industry, packaging and Innovations of the year


Warehouse technology exhibition Innovative material handling systems and logistics solutions Complete supply chain

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We provide marketing information, advertisement, procurement, marketing campaign and company’s information

Tel: 028389999 ext 8604

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Thailand industrial Fair
TIF & Warehouse & Logistics Asia
Thailand industrial Fair
Thailand industrial Fair